Monique here today showing you how to make a coffee bar from a broken dresser. This is a dresser I found and it was old, stained and broken down next to the dumpster in our Complex
My husband thought I was crazy,
He did not want me to bring it in.
It was marked up with a Black Sharpie Marker
He said it only had three drawers that worked,
That is OK I only needed two.
I said let’s bring it in because I have this great product
The Best Cleaner Ever
I grab some paper towels
and this it how it started cleaning it right up.
Here are the pictures of how it cleaned all them makings off
The cleaner worked it’s magic, and the sharpie marks were not gone from the side.
and from the inner drawer section as well. So what would have been just a piece of broken, and stained furniture is now perfect.
I made some cute little skirts under the draw with some extension rods.
Now I have this wonderful Coffee Bar
Thank you for looking at another
Unique Monique