Amy Roszak is married to Joe, and a stay-at-home mom to teenagers, Maddie and Corben. She has been scrapbooking since 1999, but was a crafter since she was little.”Scrapbooking is really just a medium for all the other crafts I love”, she explains, “and also a wonderful way to save memories. I can more easily justify the time and money I spend crafting when it’s for my family as well as for me!”
In 2003, after much research and development trials, Amy invented The Perfect Printing Pouch as a solution for inconsistent, poor quality results she had while inkjet printing on vellum. (The pouch was renamed the Perfect Crafting Pouch in 2010, when it was officially recognized as a multi-purpose tool and selected as a Top 20 Innovation by the Craft & Hobby Association.) A past middle school PTA president, she became the Parent Advocate at the high school when her son moved up. A geeky “Band Mom”, she sews uniforms and sells concessions for their marching band. She also continues to develop products to solve crafting challenges, and is an organizer/ frugal crafter herself–developing techniques and workarounds that save money, are environmentally safe, and work well! (“If your stuff isn’t organized, you don’t know what you have and you won’t use it…And making all those little ID labels is both rewarding and stressful”, she jokes.) Ever the teacher, she loves to share her ideas and help when she can–often writing numerous back and forth emails with inquiring customers.