Terrific Twinchie Tutorial

Linda here to share a Terrific Twinchie Tutorial. What are Twinchies? These are two inch miniature works of art that can be used in art projects or even traded.

Terrific Twinchie Tutorial

Terrific Twinchie Tutorial Video

Supplies used for the Terrific Twinchie Tutorial

Transforming ugly scrapbook paper is easier than you think. By applying scraps of paper on top of the ugly paper makes it become something new. Then going further and adding Tattered Angels Glam takes it further from the original design.

Terrific Twinchie Tutorial

This new transformed paper because a base for Twinches. Adding digital images, Lace and trim completes the look.

Terrific Twinchie Tutorial

Every day in the month of July I’m doing a self made challenge to #useitupjuly. My goal is to make a dent into the supplies I have in my stash.

Terrific Twinchie Tutorial

What kind of projects are you doing to reduce your stash? Love to know what you are making. Feel free to share your projects on my Facebook page.

Terrific Twinchie Tutorial

Thanks for stopping by to see the Terrific Twinchie Tutorial today.

Terrific Twinchie Tutorial


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