How to STOP Inkjet Printing from Smearing!

Hi All-
Amy Here with an “I shoulda known better!” reminder so you don’t have to make the same mistake! 

 I was making a Birthday Card, and had already printed Happy Birthday on the front of the card. (The fact that I thought that the inking should have been blacker might have reminded me to use the Perfect Crafting Pouch, but no…I ignored it and kept going…

Whenever I’m printing on challenging media, I always swipe it first with the PERFECT CRAFTING POUCH to assure crisp and fast-drying results. 

Challenging media includes vellum, shiny, pearly or coated papers which tend to resist inks & smear. It also includes media that absorbs ink & bleeds such as handmade or mulberry papers, wood, cork and fabric. Cardstock generally prints just fine without the pouch, though it does print a bit better pre-treated with the pouch. In fact, almost EVERYTHING improves with a swipe of the pouch first.    

So, I printed the card’s inside message on white untreated cardstock, but didn’t realize the paper was a little smoother than typical cardstock. But as soon as it came out of the printer and I touched it; the ink on this cardstock wasn’t quite dry
and it smeared🙁

A quick SWIPING the paper with the POUCH first and a reprint, and it was perfect- instantly dry and smear-free!

THOUGH I always keep my pouch in a little soap dish right by my printer so that it’s easy to grab, I’ve moved it to my work table so it’s right by my side and always there to remind me!


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